Final Paper Topics/Evaluation

Toward developing your own Final Research Paper topic, consider the following list of ideas from your class and past sections of English 102.


FALL 2006
Ø The plight of illegal immigrants in America
Ø The environment (e.g. ozone layer damage, warming, etc.)
Ø Outsourcing is good for America.
Ø Is e-texting a language?
Ø Answers to global health problems (e.g. bird flu)
Ø Global AIDS crisis: Can funding help?
Ø U.S. reluctance to assist in African crises (e.g. Sudan, Rwanda, etc.)
Ø How globalization affects the U.S. vs. Third World
Ø Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

FALL 2005
Ø Israel conflict in the Middle East
Ø Technology and the international use of gadgets for communication
Ø The Oromo people of East Africa: History of colonialism
Ø Reggaetón music
Ø Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, and U.S. response
Ø Debt relief for developing nations
Ø More funding for AIDS research
Ø Cinema culture and globalization
Ø Globalization of hip-hop culture

Ø Music culture and globalization
Ø Compassionate capitalism and corporate social responsibility
Ø The influence of foreign corporations on U.S. culture
Ø Outsourcing and the effects of job-loss from globalization
Ø How globalization has damaged U.S. media coverage
Ø International housing boom and bust
Ø Is globalization good or bad for local cultures?
Ø ESL instruction for immigrant populations
Ø Global impacts of U.S foreign policy
Ø The globalization of languages
Ø Fair trade versus free trade issues
Ø The globalization of soccer
Ø The war on drugs in Colombia

To generate a thesis statement, review the "Thesis Statement" handout and your textbook (pages 493-494). To start building your argument, use the "Argumentative-Paper Structure" handout.

Also, review the criteria for evaluating and grading the Final Paper with this Final Paper Assessment Rubric.

Posted by Benjamin at April 19, 2007 05:04 PM