Research Presentation

Tips for Oral Presentation on the COMP 102 Final Paper
DUE IN CLASS, Week 16, Day Two...

Whether you plan on a future in the business world, healthcare, or a university, you will eventually have to discuss and “present” ideas among colleagues, co-workers, or classmates at some point in your life. At the very least, you will have to report to a supervisor, boss, or professor, sometimes in an evaluated format to determine grades, a pay raise, or your very career. Whatever the case, it’s good to prepare for as professional a talk as possible, and it won’t hurt to start by informally chatting in Composition 102 about your research project.

I. Notes
A. Try to sum up your main points on small hand-held note cards.
B. Practice going over these points orally with classmates, etc.
C. Be ready to speak informally and extemporaneously, and don’t just read directly from your notes.

II. Strategy
A. State thesis and overview (forecast) your talk.
B. Announce transitions when you move from one point to another.
C. Summarize from point to point and/or at the conclusion.

III. Style
A. Think of this as just a conversation with classmates.
B. Prepare ahead of time to speak for at least a few minutes and no more than 5 minutes.
C. Consider all questions and comments in the spirit of sharpening your research, writing, and thinking.

IV. Extras
A. Visual aids, props, or handouts are optional. Please, no animal acts.
B. When you finish talking, think about asking specific questions of the class about how to improve on the paper, research, thinking, etc.

V. Audience Requirements
A. Show respect for fellow classmates by showing up.
B. Take notes for your own presentation and paper.
C. Ask questions, make suggestions, or challenge unclear points.

VI. Summa Summarum
A. Be sure to prepare and rehearse beforehand.
B. Everyone gets nervous before presenting, so don’t sweat it.

Posted by Benjamin at May 5, 2007 02:09 PM