COMP Paper #3

osama bin bush.jpeg
Do you agree with this postcard-style argument (above)? Do think Arundhati Roy is correct when she describes "a world laid to waste by America's foreign policy" ("The Algebra of Infinite Justice" 343)? Or does Dinesh D'Souza win the argument about America's "principle of the lesser evil" ("The Wrong America" 3)? And would the world be better or worse off without America?
[postcard by Gathered Images]

Each section below is worth two (2) points – unacceptable work earns 0, and exceptional work earns 2. The assignment counts for ten (10) points of the final grade.

Source Use
Does the writer incorporate three relevant sources? Are the in-text references and Works Cited page correctly formatted?

Argumentative Structure
Does the writer establish a thesis? Does the paper develop this thesis with clear argumentative organization?

Sentence & Paragraph Structure
Does the writer communicate ideas in well-crafted sentences and paragraphs?

Is the English correct?

Overall Quality of Assignment
Has the writer turned in a good essay?

DRAFT DUE: Week 10, Day Two, IN CLASS!...

Posted by Benjamin at March 18, 2007 03:38 PM