The instructor keeps these items in his office. Request to see a piece during office hours, or check them out for a few days at a time. Use these sources for extra reading, more information on topics covered in class, and to find sources cited in these works (backtracking research) for your own project.
NOTE: All source-cites here are in MLA style.
Rodriguez, Richard. Brown: The Last Discovery of America. NY: Viking, 2002.
Rorty, Richard, and Ramin Jahanbegloo. “America’s dreaming: Can the “American dream” belong also to the world? In the sixth of our Letters to Americans series, the Iranian scholar Ramin Jahanbegloo … and the philosopher Richard Rorty … discuss the future of America’s national story.” 8 August 2004. 10 September 2004
Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. NY: Viking, 2005.
-----. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. NY: WW Norton, 1999.
Douglas, Kate. “Born to trade.” NewScientist/Special Issue: Civilisation, How Human Nature Created the Modern World 18-24 Sept. 2004: 25-28.
Huntington, Samuel. “The Hispanic Challenge.” Foreign Policy March/April 2004: 30-45.
Florida, Richard. “The World Is Spiky: Globalization has changed the economic playing field, but hasn’t leveled it.” The Atlantic Monthly Oct. 2005: 48-51.
Saul, John Ralston. “The Collapse of Globalism: And the rebirth of nationalism.” Harper’s March 2004: 33-43.
Surowiecki, James. “The Financial Page: Penny-Wise.” The New Yorker 27 Sept. 2004: 68.
Coghlan, Andy. “Pollution triggers a wild, wild world.” NewScientist 4 Sept. 2004: 10-11.
Graham-Rowe, Duncan, and Bob Holmes. “Goodbye cruel world…” NewScientist 20 Nov. 2004: 6-7.
Anderson, Harvey. “Come eat with me.” Interview. By Diane Martindale. NewScientist 6 Aug. 2005: 46-47.
Dávila, Arlene. Latinos Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People. Berkeley: UC Press, 2001.
Krauze, Enrique. “Identity Fanaticism.” The New Republic Online 21 June 2004. 28 June 2004 [URL unavailable].
Hitchens, Christopher. Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays. NY: Nation Books, 2004.
Orwell, George. Burmese Days. NY: Harvest/HBJ, 1934.
-----. Homage to Catalonia. NY: Harvest, 1952.
Begley, Sharon. “‘Criminal Injustice’: How Interrogation Methods Can Make Innocent People Confess.” The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition Oct. 2005: 14.
Bowden, Mark. “The Dark Art of Interrogation.” The Atlantic Monthly Oct. 2003: 51-76.
Budiansky, Stephen. “Truth Extraction.” The Atlantic Monthly June 2005: 32-35.
Conroy, John. “Tools of Torture.” Chicago Reader 4 Feb. 2005: 1+.
Mangan, Katherine S. “Torture’s Paper Trail.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 21 Jan. 2005: A12-A14.
Marlan, Tori. “How I learned to Hate the War: An army interrogator’s eight demoralizing months in Iraq.” Chicago Reader 30 Sept. 2005: 1+.
Mayer, Jane. “The Experiment: The military trains people to withstand interrogation. Are those methods being misused at Guantánamo?” The New Yorker 11 July 2005: 60-71.
-----. “Outsourcing Torture.” The New Yorker 14 Feb. 2005: 106-123.
“No such thing as a non-lethal weapon.” NewScientist 5 Mar. 2005: 3.
“Ordeal: Habeas Corpus.” Harper’s June 2005: 16-18.
Smith, R. Jeffrey, and Dan Eggen. “Alberto Gonzales, Mystery Man.” The Washington Post National Weekly Edition 10 Jan. 2005: 10-11.
Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto. “Is ‘Spanglish’ a Language?” 28 Mar. 1997 [URL unavailable].
Morales, Ed. Living In Spanglish: The Search for Latino Identity in America. NY: LA Weekly Books, 2002.
Nevaer, Louis. “America the Bilingual.” AlterNet 13 Oct. 2004. 9 Nov. 2004
Rodriguez, Richard. Brown. See “The American Dream.”
Stavans, Ilan. Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language. NY: HarperCollins, 2003.
Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London. NY: Harvest, 1933.
REGIONAL FOCUS: Understanding Globalization in One Part of the World
Delisle, Guy. Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly: 2005.
Dellios, Hugh. "In Mexico, 'They just don't see us': Blacks living on the Pacific coast struggle for recognition." Chicago Tribune 10 July 2005: 1.6.
McCormick, Joel. “ In China’s land of opportunity, some Stanford entrepreneurs are changing the country that’s changing the world.” Stanford Sept./Oct 2004: 36-45.
Mehta, Suketu. Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found. NY: Knopf, 2004.
Sacco, Joe. Palestine. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2002.
“Special Edition: India, The Next Knowledge Superpower.” NewScientist 19 Feb. 2005: 1+.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. NY: MLA, 2003.
Stewart, Jon, Ben Karlin, and David Javerbaum, eds. America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction. NY: Warner, 2004.
Baxter, Jenny, and Malcolm Downing. The BBC Reports on America, Its Allies and Enemies, and the Counterattack on Terrorism. NY: Overlook Press, 2002.
DeMott, Benjamin. “Whitewash as Public Service: How The 9/11 Commission Report Defrauds the Nation.” Harper’s Oct. 2004: 35-45.
Logevall, Fredrik, ed. Terrorism and 9/11: A Reader. NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Mesick, Brent. How the “USA Patriot” Act is Unpatriotic: A No-Nonsense Guide. Chicago: Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights, 2005.
Zelizer, Barbie, and Stuart Allan, eds. Journalism After September 11. London: Routledge, 2002.
Lawton, Graham. “Urban legends.” NewScientist/Special Issue: Civilisation, How Human Nature Created the Modern World 18-24 Sept. 2004: 32-35.
Mehta, Suketu. Maximum City. See “Regional Focus.”
Carter, Ralph G., ed. Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy: From Terrorism to Trade. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2005.
“Casus belli: Is China the new enemy?” The Economist 11 June 2005: 40-41.
Clarke, Richard A. “Things Left Undone: Why has an administration that talks so much about homeland security been so unable to secure the homeland?” The Atlantic Monthly Nov. 2005: 37.
Gelb, Leslie H., and Anne-Marie Slaughter. “Declare War: It’s time to stop slipping into armed conflict.” The Atlantic Monthly Nov. 2005: 54-56.
Hersh, Seymour. “Annals of National Security: The Coming Wars, What the Pentagon can now do in secret.” The New Yorker 24 Jan. 2005: 40-47.
Lapham, Lewis. “Notebook: Chasing the pot.” Harper’s July 2004: 9-11.
Okerstrom, Dennis, ed. Peace, War, and Terrorism: A Longman Topics Reader. NY: Pearson Longman, 2006.
Roy, Arundhati. War Talk. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2003.
Silva, Mark. “Bush: Iraq is worth sacrifice, President invokes Sept. 11 in appeal for support.” Chicago Tribune 29 June 2005: 1+.
Sirota, David, and Christy Harvey. “They Knew: Despite the whitewash, we now know that the Bush administration was warned before the war that its Iraq claims were weak.” In These Times: Special Edition Sept.-Oct. 2004.
“To leave or not to leave? The news from Iraq is bad. America should stay, but stay to win.” The Economist 18 June 2005: 14.
Posted by Benjamin at October 10, 2005 05:50 PM